Friday, April 20, 2007

British Gas

Yesterday I got a call saying that my bill was being set at over £60 a month, slightly confused and assuming that there is a mistake I called them up. Thats nearly DOUBLE the national average! The woman was verging on being rude and said "you have been reassessed, thats what its set at and its none changable."

I explained that the two of us live alone in a relatively new property, so good efficient heating and insulation, we are out most of the day so the heating is off, just for a couple of hours in the evening is it on!!!

"Ah but it is ... I am going to change my supplier!!!"

I am just dissapointed that Energy Watch (like Uswitch) had said they were the cheapest (of course it often seems the less you pay the less, service, you get). I wasn't surprised this morning to hear on the news that the number of complaints from British Gas customers hit over 14,00 last month.

If you get poor customer service, vote with your feet, my personal feeling is that even if it costs you a pound or two more, in the long run customer service is worth a lot more! Thats why I changed this morning...


alechodgson said...

You're right. uSwitch do give themn the lowest rating for customer service though. The truth remains that they are the cheapest in most areas

Gerry White said...

Only if you manage to get onto the right tarrif, and it took some fighting befor I gave up trying to get onto it! Click is the cheapest,`but when THEY get it wrong you can't phone them!

Record complaints - glad I have changed away!